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What is Sweet Eats by Elle Bee all about?

Sweet Eats by Elle Bee is about adding something to someone’s day to day.

One of my favorite things about visiting new places is trying out local baked goods. That’s always a must for me on any road trip or mini vacation, bakery hopping. I always want to hit up a bakery or two and try their versions of my favorite sweets. And with doing my baking my way, in my style, I hope it adds to someone’s day in a positive way.

When did love of baking come about?

I don’t know the very first thought I had as far as “I want to be a baker”. I just remember living in Virginia, I had a child size pampered chef kit of kitchen tools and when Mom cooked dinner or baked, I would “help out” with my own utensils. It was complete with an apron and chef hat.

When I got to middle school and high school, I always loved baking and would often take baked goods in to school with me for my friends and classmates. Mostly for holidays and my birthday but then sometimes just because. To this day, acquaintances from high school will mention that “Leanna always had baked goods at school”. When junior year rolled around and we all had to figure out what we wanted our lives to look like as far as a career at the ripe age of 16, I never really thought about it. I didn’t have a thought growing up of what I wanted to be or what I wanted to do.

I just knew from a young age, I wanted to own a bakery.

Why do I love to bake?
It’s fun! And it’s challenging and frustrating but it’s the thing I know how to focus on the most!